13 September 2010

Setting up a PPTP VPN with KDE NetworkManager

Filed under "Notes to Myself". If this helps someone else out there, Good!

The problem: to VPN into a closed Microsoft-dominated network.

After 6 weeks of hacking at it, the client's network administrator finally managed to get the VPN set up on their office server (some version of Windows is involved, so no wonder it is an opaque and difficult process taking weeks and involving numerous reboots. I am frequently moved to wonder whether people actually enjoy the pain that results from using Microsoft software... I can't think of any other reason to use it.)

So it helps to have the admin tell you:
  • the gateway address for the VPN
  • your username and password
More importantly for a n00b to VPNs (i.e. me) it help to get told that
  • the VPN protocol is PPTP (MS proprietary AFAICT) and
  • that it requires some (MS peculiar) encrytion scheme (MPPE) to be used.
Surprise, surprise! Only took a day to figure these things out.

The rest of the trouble comes from Kubuntu Linux insisting on using the fucked-up awful NetworkManager. I could not find reliable/working information on setting up the correct config by hand, so was forced to rely on NM. Also tried Kvpnc, but could not make it work for the client network configuration.

NM insists on setting the default route for all network traffic to be via the VPN client network. Not what I want. I need on-going access to my own local network resources as well as the VPN resources (as well as my own internet connection) as I am developing stuff that relies on local resources to work. After starting the VPN, my machine's routing table looks like

Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref    Use Iface UGH   0      0        0 eth0 UGH   0      0        0 eth0 UH    0      0        0 ppp0   U     1      0        0 eth0     U     1000   0        0 eth0         U     0      0        0 ppp0
( is my own local net; is the client's network.)

Note that last line. There's the troublemaker. I don't want all traffic routed to the VPN by default. I tried every possible combination of settings in the KNetworkManager applet, especially those that claim to prevent the VPN from overriding the automatic routing. I tried manually setting all the VPN info (IP address, netmasks, etc.) but that fails to work either.

Ultimately I resorted to a workaround. Accept the crappy routing that NM sets up for me, then fiddle with the routing tables by hand:
$ sudo route del -net ppp0
$ sudo route add -net netmask gw dev eth0
These 2 lines get me a sensible default route outta here, and
$ sudo route add -net netmask dev ppp0
gets me a route to all the client-network resources (albeit without any DNS lookups for their subdomain; this I can live without, since there are only a small handful of machines I need access to.)

The resulting routing table:
Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref    Use Iface UGH   0      0        0 eth0 UGH   0      0        0 eth0 UH    0      0        0 ppp0   U     1      0        0 eth0   U     0      0        0 ppp0     U     1000   0        0 eth0         UG    0      0        0 eth0

Can't say it's pretty, but it works.

03 August 2010

Measuring Progress in Software Development


I am about to take on the leadership of a new, still-in-formation developer team, on a project - the first of several - of critical importance to the client. This means that everything is up for negotiation: team structure, development methodology, coding styles, frameworks to be used,... everything!

Initially my role was confined to that of Consulting Architect, but, by force of circumstance, has evolved to Architect and Team Leader pro tem for a few months while the client gets their dev team properly resourced and settled-in. Naturally I'm trying to help that along as best I can.


The client initially planned to use a BDUF (Big Design Up Front), waterfall approach to the project. The requirement is extremely well-known and quantified, in a very well understood business domain.

I have never believed in my tummy that BDUF is in any sense realistically or practically achievable, though, even long before the Agile Movement tore the idea to shreds. It is impossible to foresee every detailed design element, no matter how hard you work at it. On the other hand, some Agile proponents seem to say that no up-front design is necessary... Perhaps my hearing is playing tricks with me. I cannot agree with them, either.

So call me a proponent of SDUF: Some Design Up Front.

And on the Process front, I don't think there's a lot to argue about when we contrast a waterfall/sequential process with an agile/incremental process. For me the critical difference lies in how we report and feed-back progress and how frequently we do this. And what we do about the feedback we receive - how flexibly we accommodate direction changes from customers, business sponsors, unit-tests,... to change the still-in-the-pipeline development and requirements without completely trashing the budget and time-to-market constraints. An also-essential aspect of agile development is "to reflect on what has gone before, and to adjust what we do to make
things better." [Ron Jeffries]

Waterfall possibly still does have a place in some circumstances. I can't honestly say that I've ever actually been party to such circumstances, though I've certainly been on projects where some of our business partners thought they needed hard, contractual milestones with no going back. (In reality we always "went back" anyway, when necessary, after some amount of renegotiation.)


A very greenfield situation, this, which some people would immediately call a "wonderful opportunity", but which I very much see as a "two-edged weapon"...

The question that has been most on my mind is, "What should we measure?"

I am a very firm believer in the old saw, "Tell me how you Measure me, and I'll tell you how I Behave."

Measure a sales-person by the number of sales, and you'll get a high order volume of the easiest-to-sell products, regardless of whether they represent the best margins or quality-of-business for the company. Measure the same sales-person by margin-value of product, and you'd best hope that your high-margin products are ones that lots of people want to buy. Measure them by the number of sales calls they make and you'll have lots of calls that don't result in sales.

Here is where I believe that some Scrum proponents are going wrong... We take Features and break them up into Tasks - the developers' unit-of-work. And they measure Task completions using a burn-down chart of Tasks completed versus time. This can easily result in a situation where many Tasks are being completed, but not so many Features. A situation where Features reach an 80%-complete state, and then get stuck, for any of a variety of reasons, all of which amount to "Nobody wants to complete those Tasks" because they're boring,... or they're "just" test Tasks,... or they're difficult (because not well understood), or...

The solution is really simple. Just measure Feature completion instead of Task completion. Then the team only gets rewarded when Features or User Stories get completed. We only get beer and Pizza when the Business gets value.

But is this enough? Can we go further? Is there a way to tie developer reward directly to delivered Business Value?

In the situation I'm headed into, Business Value should be pretty easy to quantify: The product to be built is one that will directly generate revenue for the company, so we can very easily quantify how much Business Value the software is generating. (Successful completion of the product will also deliver a huge  strategic Business Value by enabling new revenue streams, but that's also quite easy to quantify, and, indeed, is the prime reason the client is taking on this quite substantial investment in the first place...)

Are there ways to close the loop? To feed-back to the dev team on how much business-value their efforts are generating without making money too much of an up-front issue? Then, too, I have a reservation: Developers can have notoriously short memories, and the sort of value we're talking about here is only delivered on longer time-scales... Maybe it's good to have both long-time-loop feedbacks as long as we also have the short-timespan feedback in place as well... Waterfall's failures are largely a result of too little feedback taking too much time for us to correct project course when we need to.

My instinct is that moving towards a continuous deployment process (the step beyond continuous integration) might help to shorten this feedback loop, which is completely the point of "agile" thinking, but I'm still not really clear on how we might implement it.

29 July 2010

Refresher Training is Good, Too!

Some while ago I was teaching a course -- Java Web Application Programming, as it happens --  to a group of quite-experienced web developers working in a large corporate environment. Needless to say, we all thought that this was yet another case of the Training Department getting their act together waaaay too late...

We soon discovered, however, that some of the core concepts and technologies of Java Web Application development were, at best, only poorly understood, even by the most experienced developers in the group. Many of the details of the HTTP protocol were unknown to them, as was the development of custom Tag Libraries -- a key component for developing clean, maintainable Java Web applications without in-page scripting. They had not thought much about the consequences of placing large (multi-megabyte) objects in the application Session... (this is in a clustered web-container environment!)

This is not a criticism of those developers! They had, for years, been delivering absolutely critical business functionality. This is merely an observation that technologies move on; sometimes developers need a little help to catch up, since their management usually neglects to allow time for self-study catch-up on new evolutions in the technology.

More important, it is an observation that Development Managers, Team Leaders and Project Managers shouldn't assume that their developers are completely up-to-date on the technologies they're using for day-to-day development.

Replicated from http://coco.co.za/wiki/KeyTechnologyTrainingStory

21 June 2010

Nedbank Service Fail

<span style="font-style: italic;">Rant ahead. Feel free to leave now.<br /><br />No, really! This is just whining in public about the unbelievably crapulatious service Nedbank dishes out to its customers.</span><br /><br />A service I recurringly buy, and have repeatedly bought for... oh, probably more than 5 years, now... using the self-same <span style="font-weight: bold;">Nedbank</span> credit-card... came up for renewal yesterday. Mysteriously the transaction failed, so the vendor sent me an email to let me know. Very odd! As I say, it has worked fine for years. The card has not expired - the only reason transactions have failed before now.<br /><br />Oh well, off to pay the invoice manually. Using the same card, naturally. (It's the Business card, you see, so simpler for tax and accounting than using a personal card.)<br /><br />Next thing, I find my browser redirected to some foreign website "bankserv.co.za" for "verification". <span style="font-style: italic;">Oh yeah?!</span> There's a crappy, pixelated copy of a Nedbank logo at the top. <span style="font-style: italic;">That sure looks convincing!</span> And they're asking me for all sorts of account details, including my CVV number, ID number, and some arbitrary and mysterious field labeled only "Personal".<br /><br /><span style="font-style: italic;">What sort of phishing operation is this?</span><br /><br />Actually it turns out to be an alleged "Fraud Prevention" thing called 3-D Secure. I've only heard of it because I know people who have had the pain of implementing payment solutions that use it.<br /><ul><li><span style="font-weight: bold;">Question</span>: Why did Nedbank not <span style="font-style: italic;">bother</span> to communicate to their customers that they would be requiring this much-changed payment process?</li><li><span style="font-weight: bold;">Question</span>: Why do Nedbank not do it on <span style="font-style: italic;">their own website</span>, instead sending me to some website who's identity is a complete unknown to me?</li><li><span style="font-weight: bold;">Question</span>: Is this not the most incredibly stupid thing to do in a web where phishing and identity theft is rife?</li></ul>Later, a call to Nedbank's unbelievably crappy customer "service" centre illuminated a whole lot of these details. The bottom line is that:<br /><ol><li>Nedbank <span style="font-style: italic;">absolutely require</span> us to use this 3-D Secure thingie.</li><li>The shitty 3-D "secure" thingie absolutely requires that I enter my cellphone number to complete their process. Unfortunately, where I live, cellphone reception simply does not exist, so <span style="font-style: italic;">not an option</span>.<br /></li><li>So: I have no way to complete their crappy process, and</li><li>Nedbank has no other process.</li></ol><span style="font-weight: bold;">Fail!</span><br /><br />The 3-D Secure form did not even have a field labeled "Cellphone number". How is anyone supposed to guess at this?<br /><br />Then, too, there is no way to opt out. They claim that the 3-D Secure process is to "verify my
identity". This despite the fact that they have all my FICA docs on
record. They have my other business account details on record (because
that's how they get paid every month) and they manage to successfully
send me statements every month, and a new card every couple of years.<br /><br />And the process <span style="font-style: italic;">absolutely requires</span> that I be reachable by cellphone. What if I don't have or want one? What if I have one but can't get reception? Has anybody pointed out to the shit-heads at Nedbank that <span style="font-weight: bold;">SMS is not a secure nor reliable channel of communication</span>?<br /><br /><ul><li><span style="font-weight: bold;">Question</span>: Why would I <span style="font-style: italic;">jump through all these hoops</span>, put up with really shitty service and all this pain from Nedbank when Standard Bank (my other, other bank) have been trying to give me a business credit-card for years, only to be turned down (because why would I want <span style="font-style: italic;">another</span> credit card?)</li><li><span style="font-weight: bold;">Question</span>: <span style="font-style: italic;">How quickly can I close this Nedbank account?</span></li><li><span style="font-weight: bold;">Question</span>: Did anybody at Nedbank <span style="font-style: italic;">bother to turn their brains on</span> when thinking about this process, or were they - as usual - operating with their heads stuck so far up their own arse that they could see out their own throat?</li></ul><br />Oh! I paid the invoice using my personal credit-card (Standard Bank.) Payment went through flawlessly, painlessly and instantly with no hoops to jump through.

09 June 2010

About Email

A short note on How I Handle Email communication.

Lately I've had a few people express their unease over my handling of emails, so I thought I'd write - once and for all - about how I deal with email. One of these was phoning me, worried, because I had not responded to her email within 15 minutes of her sending it. Another was complaining because emails I have sent him have never appeared in his inbox. It turned out that his ESP (email service provider) was having a Bad-Config Day.

Please remember that it is eMail. Not eInstantAnswer. Not eGuaranteedDelivery. Not eRegisteredMail. And humble though it is, I find it (still!) indispensable.

Share and Enjoy!

20 May 2010

Healthy Software Projects

Love this little gem on eXtreme Programming: eXtreme Pill: Increase the odds of a lasting, healthy software project
start your journey with a Lean coach that also happens to know intimately what software development is all about
Though it seems to come as a shock to some that such coaches actually want paying! ;-)

18 May 2010

The Way You (Probably) Use Subversion is Just Wrong

Trying to learn Hg (Take 2)  I learned something about Subversion: it seems that many people are using it all wrong!

Prompted by a conversation last week with Brian which touched on Subversion and Git, I decided to have another go at grokking distributed version control. I confess that I'm probably hopelessly brain-damaged on this score; I can't help it: I started out with version control systems in the days of SCCS, graduated to RCS, was forced to deal with the abomination that was PVCS, migrated to CVS, and have largely been reasonably OK (though not ecstatically happy) with Subversion for the past several years and a half. So I can't really be blamed for my difficulties getting to grips with distributed version control, can I? I learned all I know about the subject back in the Dark Ages.

But, hey! I'm a distributed worker kind of guy. I'm sure I can figure this out, even at my advanced age.

Rather than tackle the Swiss Army Chainsaw that is Git, I thought I'd give Mercurial a second go. I lucked into Spolsky's HgInit tutorial which seems a lot more approachable than other tutorials I've seen to date, and a lot shorter than The Mercurial Book. Almost immediately I ran into a passage that stopped me short with the thought, "If this is how people are using Subversion, no wonder they want to move onto something better!"

Joel on Subversion
Now, here’s how Subversion works:

* When you check new code in, everybody else gets it.

Since all new code that you write has bugs, you have a choice.

* You can check in buggy code and drive everyone else crazy, or
* You can avoid checking it in until it’s fully debugged.

Subversion always gives you this horrible dilemma. Either the repository is full of bugs because it includes new code that was just written, or new code that was just written is not in the repository.

As Subversion users, we are so used to this dilemma that it’s hard to imagine it not existing.

Subversion team members often go days or weeks without checking anything in. In Subversion teams, newbies are terrified of checking any code in, for fear of breaking the build, or pissing off Mike, the senior developer, or whatever.
No, that's not me he's talking about; that's some other Mike.

Wrong. All wrong!

As luck would have it I was discussing repository-management strategies just last week with a client's (new) development team, and suggesting that they use a much more aggressive strategy than they've ever seen before: Multiple checkins per day by every developer. Maybe go so far as to tie the "File-Save" key to "checkin". Anytime a developer does not make a checkin for 2 days in a row there's almost certainly a problem!

How do we achieve this without the tears and craziness described by Spolsky? Simple! Have every developer working in their own private branch. Or even flipping between a variety of private branches as they switch between tasks. (Yes, I know its not the most productive way to work, but sometimes we have to respond to demands from the outside world, so we do have to take the hit of task-switching.)

I suggested a structure where each developer simply gets a private piece of the repository to work in. Anything that's broken in there is your own problem, but doesn't affect anybody else on the team. When you're satisfied that your branch won't break the world you're ready to merge back to the main development line and integrate your work with your colleagues'. And yes, then you might have some merge conflicts, but I don't really see how any version control system can avoid this; you fix the conflicts and 'Lo! the build is intact. This does imply, though, that you want to merge quite frequently. At least every day or two. Or every time your private branch builds and tests clean. Or maybe just builds clean. All depends on your team - team size, maturity, process-maturity, personal temperaments,... One must study this very hard.

I suppose that the hangups about branching and merging come from the days of CVS, where branching was really, really expensive, and merging really, really difficult. Admittedly, too, earlier versions of Subversion were also not too hot on the merge side of things. (Though I guess it is still work-in-progress and we may yet see some improvements there.)

In recent times I have been using Subversion branches very aggressively. Frequently I'll find myself flipping between as many as 6 or 8 branches on related modules, merging them, abandoning them,... and this is on a one-man project! It means that I have to use branch-names that are pretty long and descriptive, otherwise I would soon lose myself in the forest of twisty little names.

But really, I don't see the dilemma Joel talks about in the quote above. I'll readily agree that Subversion's merging still needs some work: It can be quite counterintuitive and error prone until you get the habits right. But this Big Hairy Deal about breaking the build? Doesn't exist if you just use Subversion right!

Go forth and branch!

Maybe I'm making a mountain out of a molehill when it comes to Hg... Maybe I'll fall in love with it yet, if it makes this style of working easier for me. There's hope for the old fart, yet.
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