The shutting down by Google of their project-hosting has forced me to migrate my URL-shortener project to BitBucket (because Mercurial is so much nicer than GIT), and along the way caused me to take it upon myself to resuscitate the project. For one thing, I've passed out URLS that rely on it residing at, and, as things currently stand, those are dead links. For another, I've figured out a second, more important, use case for URL redirectors than mere shortening.
While shortening URLS may have some (highly debatable) utility, I consider them to be, on balance, a harmful thing. They make the link destination opaque, and the poor sucker clicking on them has absolutely no idea where they might end up. Then, too, the indirection allows the redirector host to potential introduce any sorts of mischief or stupidity into the user's browse path. These are not insurmountable problems, just small stumbling blocks in the path of the concept, but they do argue for considering URL-shortening to be harmful. Or at least seldom accruing benefit to the clicker.
What they do buy you is the ability to gather ego-gratifying statistics on who clicked your links, which can give you a measure of how well your voice is heard in the social Internet. An oft misleading measure, to be sure, but sometimes some measure is better than none, as long as the user of said statistics remains aware of their limitations and biases.
There is, though, a very legitimate and compelling use for the idea of redirectors: They provide a bridge between the world of URIs and the world of URLs. (For the longest time I was a bit hazy on the distinction between the two, but I'm better, now, thank you.) A shortener (or redirector) service allows us to publish identifiers of stuff (I'm trying to avoid the "content" word having developed a nasty allergy) to the 'net without worrying about the location or address of that stuff. For example, I might have published a document (or an application or a collection of photographs or whatever) using some file-hosting service. Let's call it Now it turns out that was also hosting a bunch of stuff that the American copyright fascists decide they want disappeared. So they have the FBI kick down the doors of ohdearieme's hosting centre with the aid of a compliant country's spook services, and they steal remove the servers holding your perfectly legitimate and legal "stuff". Too bad. Anybody hanging on to the URL you gave them referring to is now stock out of luck. Had you used a redirector, though, it would be no problem. All you'd have to do is upload a copy of your "stuff" to a new file hosting service ad change the destination URL in you redirector. This is, indeed, as useful thing, and, after all, exactly what they Domain Name System is all about.
So there's my compelling use-case for a URL shortener/redirector, and I still have a couple of hundred words to write to reach my day's target. Let me describe, then, some of my other thinking around this little project.
I've already implemented two or three different storage schemes for the "database" that the server needs in order to work, and exactly which one gets used for a given deployment is merely a configuration issue. So what's another one? The trouble is that it is becoming cumbersome to include all the storage implementations, along with their dependencies, in the final deployed product. I know that many, if not most, developers would just chuck everything and the bathtub into the deployment, but it offends my sense of neatness. I want to build a number of separate artefacts: one that contains the actual redirector server, and then one for each storage scheme. That way a deployer (or, heavens forfend, an actual System Administrator) can deploy only the exact artefacts they need. This also means that updates to one module don't necessitate a refresh of the entire system. More immediately, it means that I want to build a number of separate artefacts for this project, rather than a simple WAR file, making Maven a much better fit than the straightforward Ant build generated by Netbeans, so I'm having to (at last) learn something about using Maven properly. I guess I'll learn to live with the tediously slow builds, though it does feel like the 1990's called and want their Makefiles back.
Then, too, I'm of a mind to host this thing (at least my own personal redirector) on Google's massive cloudy infrastructure. Given the meagre volumes of data I'll be shifting (which, presumably, speaks volumes for the paucity of my Social Internet Fu) I'm pretty-well certain I can keep hosting it there free for all eternity—or until Google decide to shut down their cloudy hosting engines or make them for-pay only. If or when that happens I guess I'll have to move the redirector back onto my own infrastructure, so I don't want to lose the ability to deploy to my own (Tomcat) application server. That means teasing out the deployment configuration and infrastructure-specific stuff from the core of the redirector code itself. All sounds reasonably doable for me, and I'm using the exercise to polish up my Mercurial, Maven and AppEngine skills, not to mention brushing up on changes in the Java language and APIs. I might even use it to improve my Javascript skills or get properly to grips with one of the JS front-end frameworks.