30 December 2008

Teaching Servlets and JSP

It's the end of a week teaching Sun's SL-314 course -- "Web Component Development with Servlets and JSP" in Cape Town. It's been challenging and demanding, but, above all, fun! I had a great bunch of participants on the course, a couple of whom were old friends from an "Intro to Java" course (Sun's SL-275 course) some months ago.

The course materials are pretty good, although with a couple of misfeatures -- in my ever-so-humble opinion, as always -- and one glaring omission! (Never mind the details; I won't bite the hand that feeds me. This time. Rest assured that I've passed my thoughts on to the good people at Sun Education.) However, the whole sequencing and structure of the course has set me thinking, "How would I go about structuring such a course? What examples and challenges would I use for lab work?"

I take this teaching stuff pretty seriously1. So I'm always looking for ways to add value above and beyond what is offered by the course materials. Of course, the most valuable thing a trainer can bring into these sorts of skills-oriented technical courses is one's own experience actually using the technology on real-world projects. But beyond that, a lot of value can be added (or subtracted) by the sequence, timing and manner in which the material is presented. In a 5-day course time is terribly limited, so practical examples and labwork are necessarily very constrained, so it is very hard to work-up really good examples.

Setting examples and lab-work for courses is actually a very hard problem. You don't want to restrict the work to toy problems -- students pick up on that very quickly, and, even more quickly, lose interest in the course material, and, more importantly and with longer-term consequences for the remainder of the course, they lose respect for the course (and sometimes for the instructor, too.) On the other hand, time is very limited -- perhaps a couple of hours for any given issue, so extensive examples take too long to implement.

Then, too, one is in the position of trying to illustrate and/or reinforce key points in the course material, and developing actual code always involves a measure of extraneous detail -- housekeeping code. It adds nothing to the teaching purpose of the exercise, but it certainly chews into the time available!

And -- not to be neglected -- I think it is important that examples be at least a little bit entertaining. After all, we can do order-entry at work anytime... But there's a borderline across which "entertaining" becomes "irrelevant". (Much the same can be said of micro-benchmarks.)

Relevance? You wanted relevance from a blog post? As opposed to rambling?


I'm starting to put together my own material for a number of courses, centring around the gaps in the corporate professional training space (OO and Java technical matters, of course.) that I've been seeing over the past decade.

(Of course, now is a brilliant time to be putting my own course-material together. In times of economic downturn, the very first thing to get the axe is training! How short-sighted is that?)

[1] As with most things, the more you put into it, the more you get out of it!
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